Traveling the world and capturing unique landscapes has become a real passion for me. Landscape photography enthusiasts know the hardships one is willing to make in order to be at the right place and the right time. Many photo locations are popular and crowded during the day, but early in the morning or late in the evening I often have them to myself. So, when the alarm rings at 5am and I hike in the dark with only my headlamp and my photography equipment to the ideal photo-spot, hopeful for good light from the rising sun, I am filled with an indescribable feeling.
Disappointment and being overwhelmed are often close to each other in nature photography: at a bend in the river Mosel in Bremm, Germany, there was nothing but fog in the morning. Drowsily I climbed the vineyards in the dark, only to be almost overrun by a herd of wild boar. On another trip it was very cloudy when I drove to the Mussenden Temple on the coast of Northern Ireland. On arriving I had to stay in the car because it was raining cats and dogs. Later, however, the clouds broke and the sky turned violet, the like of which I have never seen before. On yet another trip, to the Dutch windmills of Kinderdijk, I experienced one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen.